AYM Math

Frequently Asked Questions

What happend to your program?

While we have LOVED serving your families over the past 10 years, our teachers are in seasons of life that require our time and attention to be redirected, and God has made it clear that the time has come to do things differently. Thank you for sharing your journey with us over these last ten years. We hope the FAQ page here will still be helpful to you?

Now that you are closed, what options do we have?

Visit the home page for links to some great alternatives. Some of our original teachers are still offering oppotunities for math classes!

We are new to Saxon. What class should my student be in?

Saxon provides a placement test that is great for helping answer this question. Visit the appropriate link below. If there is any question, feel free to e-mail us!

Middle Grades: https://g.christianbook.com/ns/pdf/placement/993478.pdf?event=Homeschool|1002939

Algebra 1 Readiness: https://g.christianbook.com/ns/pdf/placement/791230%20.pdf?event=Homeschool|1002939

What class should my student take next?

All students at AYM will take Saxon until they complete Math 76. After Math 76, students may choose between Saxon 87 and Math U See Pre-algebra.

Students chosing Saxon will follow 87 with Algebra 1 and Algebra 2. We do not currenlty offer Algebra 1/2, but we only recommend this for students who need some extra skill practice between 87 and Algebra 1.

Students chosing Math U See will take Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and then Precalculus.

Does my student need a Geometry Class?

Students taking Saxon DO NOT need a Geometry class. Gemoetry is woven into the Algebra curriculum, and students completing both Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 will have also completed a full Geometry course.

Students taking Math U See will need to take the Gemoetry course, which is currently offered only in the summer.